Clean Energy,

a Clear Choice


Lower Carbon Emissions: Natural gas emits 27% less Carbon Dioxide than diesel, reducing environmental impact.

Reduced Air Pollutants: Natural gas engines emit fewer particulates and lower NOx, improving air quality.

Minimal Sulphur Content: Natural gas contains little sulphur, reducing harmful sulphur dioxide emissions.

Renewable Options: Renewable nantural gas from organic waste offers a carbon-neutral impact, enhancing natural gas benefits.

Beyond diesel: Embrace efficiency with eco-friendly LNG solutions

Environmental Benefits of Natural Gas as Fuel

Lower Carbon Emissions

Natural gas is primarily composed of methane (CH4), which, when burned, produces carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) as its primary emissions. While CO2 is a greenhouse gas, it produces less CO2 per unit of energy compared to diesel fuel. Cummins estimate that up to 27% lower CO2 emissions can be achieved. This results in lower carbon emissions when natural gas is used for power generation or as a transportation fuel.

Lower NOx Emissions

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are air pollutants that contribute to smog and acid rain. Natural gas engines produce lower NOx emissions compared to diesel engines because they burn fuel at a lower temperature, which reduces the formation of NOx. Diesel engines operate at higher temperatures which leads to the formation of NOx. This makes gas-fired engines a cleaner choice in terms of air quality.

Reduced Sulphur Content

Diesel fuel typically contains sulphur, which, when burned, produces sulphur dioxide (SO2), an air pollutant which can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as contribute to acid rain. SO2 can cause respiratory problems such as bronchoconstriction, reduced ventilatory function, and aggravate conditions such as asthma or chronic bronchitis. Natural gas contains little to no sulphur, reducing the emission of SO2.

Fewer Particulate Emissions

Diesel engines emit particulate matter, which includes tiny particles and black carbon that can be harmful to human health and contribute to air pollution. In diesel engines, fuel is injected into the air in the combustion chamber and combustion may occur while fuel continues to be injected. This results in regions of high fuel concentrations where soot can easily form. Natural gas engines produce significantly fewer particulate emissions, improving air quality.

Lower Greenhouse Gas Intensity

In addition to lower CO2 emissions, natural gas has a lower greenhouse gas intensity due to the lower levels of methane leakage during production and transportation compared to other fossil fuels. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, so minimizing its release is crucial for reducing the overall environmental impact of natural gas.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Some natural gas sources are renewable, such as biomethane produced from organic waste materials like agricultural residues and sewage. RNG can have a carbon-neutral or even a carbon-negative impact on the environment, depending on its production and use.

It’s important to note that while natural gas is often considered a greener alternative to diesel, it is not a completely clean energy source. It is still a fossil fuel and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, albeit at a lower rate than diesel. Nevertheless, it is regarded as an excellent transition fuel on the road to a hydrogen-based economy.

Jurie Steyn

LNG and the Environment

Going green with LNG

Going green with LNG

Explore the transformative potential of green LNG in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering a sustainable future. Discover the innovative technologies and methods employed, from utilizing biogas as feedstock to implementing carbon capture and storage techniques. PolaireTech’s modular small-scale LNG plants lead the way, converting biogas into LNG and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. Learn about the financial benefits, including carbon tax reductions, making green LNG an environmentally friendly and financially lucrative investment.

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Comparison of coal-bed methane to other energy resources

Comparison of coal-bed methane to other energy resources

This comprehensive article provides a detailed comparison of various energy sources, including coal-bed methane (CBM), oil, coal, shale gas, and conventional gas. The author evaluates these sources based on 12 parameters, including environmental and social impacts. CBM emerges as a favorable option with lower impacts, followed by shale gas, conventional gas, and oil.

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